Responsible for all aspects of project finance from idea generation, business plan/feasibility study evaluation, risks/issues identification and mitigation, project structuring and financing, investment evaluation, appraisal and credit analysis, exit strategy, board presentation and credit approval. Result: consistently achieve well structured projects that are commercially viable in their operating environment for over US$500 million in new business. All projects completed on schedule and within budget. Avoid defaults. All paying interest and dividends on time.
Primary responsibilities:
- Originate, execute, and monitor international project-finance transactions in agri-business, real estate, cement, eco-tourism & hotels, manufacturing, gas, power, capital markets and financial institutions;
- Prepare comprehensive project appraisal reports analyzing and describing project concept, viability, sponsorship, ownership structure, management, project cost, finance plan, special instruments, e.g., debt-equity swaps, subordinated loans, synthetic issues, loan and equity terms and pricing, marketing, market structure, supply and demand factors and analysis, competition, product pricing and cost, industry trends and analysis, counterparty risks and issues, implementation issues and schedule, technology, equipment, contractors, contractual structure and arrangements, financial statements, financial projections, sensitivity analysis, credit analysis including creditworthiness, legal arrangements including shareholders structure, arrangements, risks and issues, loan, equity, call and put arrangements, overrun financing, country risk assessment, insurance coverage, environmental assessment, as well as risks and issues.
- Work closely with legal counsel preparing loan and equity investment agreement, shareholders’ agreement, project cost agreement, call and/or put agreement, and other legal documents;
- Undertake business trips to negotiate investment terms and arrangements and/or raise additional financing to execute project transaction in a timely manner.