Business professional with experience in project finance, banking, finance, economics and accounting. Worked with global multilateral development institutions, Big 4 accounting firms and money center banks on Wall Street. Worked for the World Bank and International Finance Corporation in Washington, DC as well as PriceWaterhouseCoopers and Chemical Bank (JPMorgan Chase) in New York City. Obtained MBA from Columbia Business School and Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certificate while at Price Waterhouse in New York City.
Business Experience
EASAdvisory, New York, New York
Chief Executive Officer
Provide strategic solutions to new and existing companies in the United States and aboard. Work closely with investors, business owners and managers to achieve corporate and strategic business objectives. Advise on business selection, formulation, finance and development with respect to:
- Business evaluation and appraisal for purchase and/or acquisition;
- Deal making and financial structuring;
- Project development and financing;
- Financial modeling and cash flow analysis;
- Preparation and/or evaluation of current and projected financial statements;
- Evaluation of managements’ strengths, weaknesses and capacity;
- Evaluation of markets in terms of supply & demand, competitive analysis, risks and technology;
- Review of environmental assessment studies and evaluations;
- Review of insurance contracts and coverage as risk management tools;
- Evaluation of other business risks and issues;
- Evaluation of company performance, profitability and viability; and
- Review and management of portfolio companies from funding to investment recovery.
The World Bank Group, Washington, D.C.
Investment Officer, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Responsible for all aspects of project finance:
- Investment generation and project selection;
- Investment modeling and evaluation;
- Project appraisal and analysis;
- Project structuring and financing;
- Project risks, issues and mitigation;
- Loan and equity investment program;
- Exit strategy; and
- Negotiations and legal agreements
- Board presentation and approval.
Columbia Business School, New York, NY
MBA Corporate Finance, Money & Financial Markets, Strategic Management
Brooklyn College, Brooklyn , NY
B.Sc. Economics & Accounting